Award for "Best Commercial Entry" Lindon Parade 2008
LINDON SWAT TEAM - back row: Collin Adamson, Zack Stayner, Tyge Davis, Reese Pughe, Brandon Hansen, Justus Lawrence front row: Mickey Pughe, Lindsay Shimanek, Te Lawrence
What is a bully? A bully is someone who uses force or the threat of violence to coerce another into action or non-action. A bully abuses others physically, mentally, or emotionally. They come in all ages, races, and genders and from all walks of life. Manipulation is the way of the bully.LINDON SWAT TEAM - back row: Collin Adamson, Zack Stayner, Tyge Davis, Reese Pughe, Brandon Hansen, Justus Lawrence front row: Mickey Pughe, Lindsay Shimanek, Te Lawrence
How can karate help us defeat bullies without fighting?
- First, karate makes us feel confident. We know that if a confrontation does come to blows, we have a good chance of winning or escaping. We have been trained to know what a fight is like and we are less afraid of it.
- Second, we see the good in all people. We realize that even bullies are humans with needs, desires, and frailties, just as we are. We are able to see through enemy's eyes. This deflates the power of the bully in our mind.
- Third, if we build upon the confidence principle, we are able to generate more creative options. Our problem solving skills are strengthened in both a mental and physical way.
- Fourth, karate helps us to see our own strengths and weaknesses. Knowing yourself helps you make better decisions.
- Fifth, and most importantly, we look inside at our own behavior. Are we behaving in a way that attracts bullies or allows them to dominate us? Even worse, are we being a bully in any way to anyone else?
If you are being bullied or if you have acted as a bully, talk to your karate instructor. He or she can give you specific advice for your situation. Remember that as students of Bobby Lawrence Karate, you are expected to hold a high standard and to set an example of Black Belt Excellence!