The spring is a great time to take your training to an entirely new level. The concept of springing into action may conjure thoughts of mental activity, but by putting the correct spring in your step, you’ll find you increase your physical ability as well. Physical activity is the key to health and prosperity, and the results are not only evident in your physical appearance. The more active you are, the healthier you will be mentally, spiritually and, of course, physically.
The pouncing speed of a mountain lion should come to mind when you think of explosive movement. Can you be that quick as a human? The answer is absolutely—but it takes two things: the right perspective and the correct training. Many instructors are teaching students daily and training their muscle memory to be as quick as a mountain cat. As a martial artist, you should be consistent in your training and if you are, then your results are limitless.
Now is the time to refocus on your goals, and start training a bit harder, so you can achieve the results you want. Take this time to develop a regular outdoor routine that will improve your martial arts abilities. Walk; run; perform wind sprints, kata or forms outside; and go to the beach to run on the sand or do your kicks. Meditate at the park, or meet a friend and workout. This will add to your motivation, and eliminate any potential monotony.
All of these activities will certainly enhance your martial arts skills, and possibly even improve your speed and agility, so you can be ready to spring into action. Explosive movements are developed through practice and repetition. Speed and agility are all components of hard work and practice, so you can be all that you can be. Put a little spring in your step, your training, and your life.