Thursday, August 26, 2010

Check out our new Website

We are excited to share our brand spanking new Team Justus Website! It's been a long time coming and is still in the works but we were excited to share.

in the future, watch for information on:

- class schedule

- calendar

- upcoming events

- online registration

and watch for spotlights & video footage
watch regularly because it could be of YOU!

We are also looking for Testimonials from some of our awesome students and parents. We'd love to hear what you think of the program and how it has effected you and your family. Please submit them to

From the submissions we will have a random drawing for a $100 KARATE GIFT CERTIFICATE to use in the pro-shop!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ban Bu Test...

Promotions...with a special guest...Master Aaron "Ace" Reis!!

We held another ban bu camp this morning and awarded a few new belts. Please take a few minutes to give these students a high-five for their hard work. Students were tested on a physical portion (including a run, pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups), a written test, an essay, basics, kata, self-defence, showtime kicks, and weapons forms. All performed should be proud of yourselves! You guys are amazing...and the hard work really does pay off. I will post more pictures come back to check those out...

Ban Bu:
Reuben Westrup

Chan Ban Bu:
Steve Hansen
Martin Elgueta
Tyge Davis
Eli Allan
Cameron Niswander
Dallin Farris

Han Ban Bu:
Sam Seagar

Special thanks to Ace for coming to our test/promotions and lending us that amazing energy and focus. Also, special thanks to Justus, Sandie, and Sammy who worked directly with these students to help them get ready. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 15, 2010...Western Wyoming Championship

Promoter's Championship Qualifying Tournament

Our Lindon STORM/SWAT team headed out to Green River, Wyoming this weekend to represent Team Justus at the Promoter's Champtionship Qualifying Tournament...We had about 15 people compete with representation from the Lindon, Orem, American Fork, and West Jordan schools. We were also fortunate to be able to compete next to Justus Lawrence and Jeff Vincent. We had a great time and enjoyed spending more time together. Following is the list of representers....and check out all of those trophies...which are only a fraction of all the one's we brought home...

Mimi Tinoco
1st 15-17yo sparring

Brandon Hansen
2nd 13-17yo self defence
2nd 13-17yo sparring

Lindsay Shimanek

Tenika Ray
1st 13-17yo self defense
3rd 13-17yo Grand Champion (self defense)

Maya Lawrence
1st 6yo sparring

Te Lawrence
2nd 8-9 yo weapons

Harley Manire
2nd 6yo sparring

Martin Elgueta
1st 15-17yo sparring
1st 15-17yo traditional forms
2nd 15-17yo creative weapons

Martin Tinoco

Takumi Palmer
1st 15-17yo creative weapons

Jaidyn Hart
2nd Sparring

Rhys Nelson
2nd Sparring
3rd Weapons

Brendan Perl
1st 8-9yo traditional forms

Dalyn Partridge

Sandie Waters
1st 18+ self defence
3rd 18+ traditional forms
3rd 18+ creative forms
4th 18+ weapon forms
3rd 18+ Grand Champion (self defence)...Justus won 1st in this division!!

Steve Hansen
4th 35+ traditional forms
3rd 35+ sparring
1st 18+ sparring

Justus Lawrence
1st 18+ traditional forms
1st 18+ creative forms
1st 18+ Grand Champion (traditional forms)
2nd 18+ Grand Champion (creative forms)

Please send me an email with the events and places that you took...we are going to keep a complete list here. Also please bring your trophies to class to show our fellow students what we accomplished. All of you are amazing and were a pleasure to coach and have represent Team Justus! Thanks to all the parents for all of their support...GO TEAM JUSTUS!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

29 April 2010 Tip of the Week!

Boxing combos using last week's tip of the week...we are doing the 1-2-5-2-3-2...first try this slow but with power and then work on the speed.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Board Breaking Event!!

We had an amazing time at the Buddy Day...Board breaking event! A total of about 60 boards were broken Friday night and many students and buddies had fun working out and playing games. Look for future events like Back to School Day, Tournaments, Parades, etc. Thanks for your support.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tip of the Week

This is our Tip of the Week...Master Key Position for punches and blocks. Please let us know if there is something you would like highlighted as Tip of the Week!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Birthday Bash...Lindon Style...

This picture is from our Birthday Party today. Our birthday boy got to cut his cake with a Samurai Sword!! ...with a little help from Mimi.

In case you didn't know...BLK Lindon offers Birthday parties for your kids...imagine planning (after choosing a date and time), no buying invitations (we supply them), no set-up, no clean-up, no kids running through your house. We offer birthday parties that challenge your guests with karate basics, games, kicks, punches,  etc and we include clean-up. You show up and enjoy the party!! If you would like more information, please see Megan at the front desk for more information.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Team Justus Try-outs....Spring 2010

We held Team Try-outs on Friday 12 March 2010. We had about 30 people try-out...we worked hard and had lots of fun along the way! Enjoy the excerpts from our experience... I love our kids and enjoy working with them. The teams are a ton of hard work, but you can see that we have lots of fun! 

We encourage you to work hard and set that goal to become a member of SWAT, STORM, or Elite! 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Belt Promotions

So we were able to hold Belt Promotions @ Ascend Fitness on Thursday 04 March 2010. We had around 150 participate and receive their new belts. Among that number were 3 of special interest...

  • Lindsay Shimanek (Ban Bu Belt)
  • Austin Penrod (Ban Bu Belt)
  • Shayna Penrod (Han Ban Bu Belt)
Now watch for Shayna...she is working towards her Black Belt and could test in April. We also had 3 mom and dad volunteers at the Bake Sale table. The bake sales raised money for the STORM team so that we can represent Team Justus at tournaments, half-time shows, parades, and equipment. Thanks for your support at this bake sale and look for future opportunities to support your awesome team. 

Team Justus also received recognition for their performance during the 2009-2010 season. Although we will be holding try-outs on Friday (TOMORROW), this team will remember that we earned a 1st place for SWAT and 2nd place for STORM/Elite. Congrats again! (A photo of the trophy will be posted asap).

If you didn't participate in our promotions...make it a point to attend the next one coming up this summer. They are fun and the energy is incredible.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Team Try-outs...

We are holding Team Try-outs on Friday March 12, 2010. Although this is the official try-out day, you will be assessed the entire week so make sure that you are bringing your black belt excellence everyday you walk through the doors to our Studio. This year we have participated in many activities including a Flash half-time show, 2 tournaments, 3 parades, 2 belt promotions, etc. We are excited to invite new members to our team.

There are 3 teams for which you can try-out...Elite, STORM, and SWAT. Depending on your skill level you may be invited to try out for one of our teams. More information will be given in class. Come and join a winning team....TEAM JUSTUS!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ban Bu Test!!

So today we had a 3.5 hour Ban Bu Test at our Lindon Studio. We began the process with 42 candidates and ended up testing 22 students. The test was very difficult and really verified that our students knew their basics, kata, self-defense, physical portion, sparring, weapons, and showtime kicks. The students were tired but were rewarded with a new belt or additional knowledge for which to approach the next test. Following please find our newest ban bu belts (alpha order according to first names):

Ban Bu::
Cameron Niswander
Collin Adamson
Dallin Farris
Eli Allan
Hana Hoki
Hayden Hoki
Ian Woodward
Jackson Call
Kayla Braithwaite
Luis Madrigal
Martin Elgueta
Steve Hansen
Tyge Davis

Chan Ban Bu::
Jaidyn Hart
Jon Killpack
Robert Hart
Taran Carpenter

**Parents please forward any photos you took today for our blog...we will add them to this entry.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tip of the Week/Month

This week we work on boxing drills. Remember to keep your hands up as you perform these techniques. If you fail to keep your hands up you may be slapped by the hand target...We look forward to posting more tips and tricks for our students. These tips will help you work at home more effectively and will also help your parents help you practice. Come back soon for more...Team Justus!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flash Game Awesomeness!!

So our team performed an amazing half-time demonstration during the Flash Game!! It was amazing and everyone did very well. We were a few men down (Justus with a sprain, Sandie with lung issue, Harley with strep, etc) but the team did really, really well. We are very proud of them and request that people send images to Sandie so that I can create a more complete picture. We didn't get video of the STORM team...but your images will help. Thanks to all who came out to support us!! Go Team Justus!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday's Leadership Clinic

So some of your Leadership attended a Master Lawrence Leadership clinic Saturday 09 January 2010. We spent the day learning about things we could do to improve our teaching and the student's experience. Here are some of the things that we learned...
  • class structure
  • warm-ups
  • kick variations
  • basics variations
  • self-defense variations
  • holding apparati
  • Dependability Quotient
  • Happy Wanderer job description
  • Small Group Leader job description
  • Instructor job description
  • basic first aid
  • obstacle course options
  • game options
  • wall line options
  • technique line options
  • loop techniques
 Things to remember:
  • "Higher is not always better; Better is better!!"
  • "PCP....Praise, Correction, Praise"
Your leadership team (Justus, Sandie, Mimi, Martin, Holly, Lee,  Steve, Shayna) was able to go and work with Master Lawrence and perfect their already strong teaching skills. We look forward to bringing new ideas to our studio to make us even better. Thanks for Master Lawrence for the invitation to HOS and for Justus in including us in this amazing experience. I personally, am more envigorated and enthusiastic in my teaching (hard to believe it gets more energetic, right...) and ready to bring it all together for you next week. Come ready to learn new things and to work hard. We will be attempting to bring back tips of the week...keep encouraging us to work on that...

Remember to bring your karate pictures/stories to us at the studio so that they can be included on the BLK-Lindon blog. Make it a great day!!